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A labrador retriever brings in a duck during a hunt test.

Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club

Since 1986

"If you're looking for an organization to join to help ready your pup for the upcoming hunting season, give Lone Star HRC a shout."

McClelland Gun Shop, Dallas, TX

The Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club takes pride that it is the only club in North Texas with a private land and water lease for members for training. Located in Royce City, it is free for current members to use to train their dogs at their convenience.


Also, each month the club sponsors a training day. These popular events allow club members to work with their retrievers, no matter the age, with the assistance of professional trainers and seasoned dog owners. Our pro handlers will set up simulated hunt tests for all age dogs and offer instruction on how best to get the most out of your dog.


So whether you are training for hunting situations and/or plan to enter HRC or AKC hunt tests, the training offered through the Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club will prove invaluable. 


For directions, go to the Training Grounds in Royce City, email a club officer.  Only current members will be given the gate code and the address.


2025 LSHRC Hunt Test  

Highlights Spring Calendar

The Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club will hold another successful hunt test in March at Edwards Training Facility in Bonham. 

Members and non-members from around the region entered in Started, Seasoned and Finished categories and hopefully received ribbons for passing and a title ribbon, if so achieved.

Special thanks to our judges and to the many club members who volunteered over the weekend. And a big shout out to our Sponsors. Without Sponsors, the event would be a breakeven event for the club causing a financial strain on the club for the remainder of the year. And of course, the club could not put on such an enormous event without members helping with set up, marshalling, cooking, etc.

Upland Hunt Test Held in November


On November 23 and 24, the club hosted its Upland Hunt Test at the Poetry Shooting Club outside of Terrell, Texas. Training days were held leading up to the hunt test.

If anyone has any questions or comments, please contact a club officer noted above.

Syrah Bill Vigrass.jpg

Syrah, LSHRC Past President Bill Vigrass' Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, showing off her work in the field.

Lone Star HRC Celebrates Over 35 Years of Existence 


​Founded in 1986, the Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club is one of the oldest clubs of its kind in the U.S., making it one of the more highly-respected and established in the country. With over 200 North Texas members and growing rapidly, the Lone Star HRC is proud to be a member of the Hunting Retriever Club, which is affiliated with the United Kennel Club. 


The Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club is a family-oriented organization of hunting dog owners from the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area. Our club is dedicated to assist owners in their raising, training, and testing outstanding hunting retrievers of all breeds. 


If you would like to join us, train with us, and need assistance with your retriever training, simply contact us and an officer will get in touch with you.

Board of Directors
Kyle Krause, President
Jeff Cooper, Vice President 
Bruce Potter, Secretary

Larry Lauck, Treasurer

If anyone has any questions, would like to become more involved or has suggestions for the Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club, please email any of the officers above.

Please Pay 2025 Dues!

Lone Star HRC Now Uses PayPal for Dues and Other Purchases


You can now pay your dues under the Join LSHRC tab using PayPal! For only $40, this gives you complete access to the club's training grounds in Wylie. We will send you the combination. You can also use it to buy other club items. It is quick, easy and secure. No PayPal account needed. Or simply mail us a check. Lone Star HRC appreciates everyone's continued support.

Attention New Owners of Puppies!

If you are bringing home a puppy who has had only one round of shots from the breeder, Lone Star HRC strongly advises that you set up an appointment with a veterinarian as soon as you can. The vet will offer advice on caring for your puppy as well as set up a schedule for his second and third round of vaccinations.

In the meantime, do not under any circumstances take your new puppy to a dog park or any area where other dogs have been. The parvo virus is very active in the Dallas area and your new puppy has not had an ample supply of vaccine to fight off any infection.


Parvo is very contagious and can be deadly. Please do not take any chances with your new buddy until he has had all of his shots.

If you are in need of recommendations for a veterinarian, please contact an officer of the Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club. In most cases, we can recommend one in your area.

Recent Lone Star HRC Titles 


We will be updating this list soon. Send Steve Vittorio your dog's recent HRC titles from the past year.

Carl Petry and Daisy earned their Upland Hunter Title


Larry Lauck and HRCH Ellie earned their Upland Hunter Title

Coke Waggener and “Randi” earned their HR Title


Jim Norred and “Rowdy” earned their HR Title


Michael Wheeler and Maximum Explosion Blue Shadow “Max” earned their HRCH Title


Gregg Loyd and Timber’s Hardtime Ellie earned their HR Title


Orie Mathews and Wolf Creek’s Coco with Sprinkles “Donut” earned their HRCH Title


Tanner Toal and Silver Dollar’s Drake “Drake” earned their HR Title


Kyle and Sarah Krause and Three K’s It’s a Blonde Thing “Lucy” earned their HRCH Title and Upland Hunter title.


Jason Brocato and Remigton Steel Magnolia “Remi” earned their SHR Title


Courtney Pitts and Ramblin Rebel Rouser earned their SHR Title


Michael Gillman and Cabo earned their HRCH Title and UH Title.

© 2021 by Lone Star Hunting Retriever Club

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